Export to Yandex Market

Short description Export to Yandex Market

Module unloading goods from PrestaShop in Yandex Market. Without the ability to export and select the combinations of goods unloaded.


Распродажа Price: р.

Developer: ORS

Export to Yandex Market


Меню добавления товаров Включение товаров и цен Заполнение данных о магазине Импорт каталога товаров

Yandex.Market - the most popular at the moment, price-list area headings. Its users are available reviews and descriptions of the products, and advanced search on the characteristics and the ability to compare the prices of different stores. In addition to Yandex Commodity Market prelozhenie displayed in the search results when relevant queries.

To participate in the shopping service is paid. Payment is made for the transition the buyer on the link in your store at 3 rubles. CPC. With the recent time have the opportunity to post their products for free through Yandex.Webmaster. They do not appear in the catalog, but appear in the results search. Also placing YML-file indexing speeds up the store.

Features module configuration upload to Yandex.Market:

  • The "Information" must be completed under the constraint on the minimum value of the goods must be prepaid and special conditions of the order. if constraints are present, but will not be displayed after checking the store can exclude
  • "Compress file algorithm gz». In most cases, worth noting that point, turn off if not supported hosting
  • "Unload goods" allows you to control discharge of each product individually (disabled in this version)
  • "Combinations" note if you want to unload as a combination product separate proposals (disabled in this version)
  • "Delivery" - the ability to deliver the goods
  • "Unload all currencies" - note if the store can order goods in a currency different from the default currency. At the same courses will be uploaded rates are set in the store
  • "The availability of the goods" - at this point to Settings nnepravilnoy store can rejected. "All available items" - any item that is present in the store Can be ordered (ospolzovat when the item "Allow ordering goods with a zero balance in stock "). "When the number is greater than 0 - available, others made ​​to order "- the use of this item must be in the template quantity of goods at zero button "buy" is replaced by "order" (if you do not reject the store because of the lack of basket). "With the amount equal to 0 does not preempt "- products that are not in stock will not be unloaded, "Everything made ​​to order" - all items will have the status of "made ​​to order".
  • Creating a file upload is possible in several ways: manual generation of the settings of the module (not used for frequent manual updates of goods) dynamic creation of file handling robot Yandex (with frequent product is updated), creating landing scheduled through cron (for periodic updating of unloading). Depending on the needs in vugruzki ispolzovat reference to the web: the first - to manually generate and on schedule, the second - for the dynamic creation of discharge.

Free refills goods in Yandex :

  1. To organize product offerings through Yandex.Webmaster go to the page in the webmasters ( not added the site? - it's time to do it ) Open the " Site Content " and go to the " What data can be to pass . "
  2. bottom next to " Products and prices " click "turn on ", go to the " Products and prices " and agree to the terms of cooperation.
  3. On the next page, click on "change" next to the information about the store.
  4. In the " Store " and " legal person " fill in all fields . Please note that on the page that you specify on the second tab should present all the information entered on this tab !
  5. In the " Data Sources " enter the address where the file is located Offloading ( can be found in the admin area ) . If compression is used , set TP archive GZIP (zip). Then click "add" and wait for the results verification. If there are no errors , click "Save" , otherwise correct them and upload the file again (most likely an error will be linked with zero price )
  6. On the " Products and prices » recheck the data and click the " Enable Shop "


v1.1 beta (2013-04-15)

  • Fixed problem with amounts in PrestaShop 1.5;

v1.0 beta (2012-11-10)

  • Added version for PrestaShop 1.5 with additional test capabilities;

v0.4 (2012-02-11)

  • goods with zero prices now are not preempted;


  • Compability PrestaShop 1.2.x: None
  • Compability PrestaShop 1.3.x: Full
  • Compability PrestaShop 1.4.x: Full
  • Compability PrestaShop 1.5.x: Full

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